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Results for "tradition: "Science""
Brain Wars A call for a new paradigm of the role of consciousness in the universe.
What Are They Thinking?! A concise and cogent map of the teen brain and the changes and challenges kids face in today's world.
What Happens Next? A satisfying children's primer challenging kids to exercise their curiosity in regard to life in the animal world.
Full Planet, Empty Plates A scary glimpse into what is creating catastrophic conditions for the food supply in the near future.
Engineering Happiness A fresh and fascinating examination of the subject of happiness – one of the best on the subject in many a moon.
Meditations for Happiness Meditations and exercises designed to increase the brain's capacity for happiness and wellness.
The Dolphin in the Mirror A fascinating book that elicits a deep respect for these mammals of the sea.
Science and Religion in Quest of Truth The continuing dialogue between science and religion as a way of acknowledging both as truth-seeking endeavors.
Animals and Christianity An anthology on Christian responses to animals through history revealing mostly indifference and domination theories.
The Pleasure Center A neuroscientist's exploration of desire, pleasure, the emotions, and the state of happiness.